marvel filter:vine - It returns the tweets containing “marvel” and a Vine.marvel filter:periscope - It returns the tweets containing “marvel” and a Periscope video URL.marvel filter:native_video - It returns the tweets containing “marvel” and an uploaded video, Amplify video, Periscope, or Vine.marvel -filter:retweets - It returns the tweets containing "marvel”, filtering out retweets.marvel filter:media - It returns the tweets containing “marvel” and an image or video.marvel filter:safe - It returns the tweets containing “marvel” with Tweets marked as potentially sensitive removed.- It returns the tweets mentioning Twitter account “NASA”.to:NASA - It returns the tweets Tweet authored in reply to Twitter account “NASA”.list:NASA/astronauts-in-space-now - It returns the tweets sent from a Twitter account in the NASA list astronauts-in-space-now.from:opengenus - It returns the tweets sent from Twitter account “opengenus”.AI -machine - It returns the tweets containing “AI” but not “machine”.python OR java - It returns the tweets containing either “python” or “java” (or both).“Opengenus foundation” - It returns the tweets containing the exact phrase “Opengenus foundation”.watching now - It returns the tweets containing both “watching” and “now”.Various operators available in standard search API are. We need to specify the operators in the 'q' parameter The query can have operators that modify its behavior to filter the twittter response results. To use Twitter Search effectively, We use the Standard search operators for filter operations. Then copy your “Access token” and “Access token secret. Scroll down to Access token & access token secret section and click “Create”.In the next page, click on “Keys and Access Tokens” tab, and copy your “API key” and “API secret” from the Consumer API keys section.A pop up window will appear for reviewing Developer Terms.Go to and log in with your Twitter user account.API key, API secret, Access token and Access token secret) on the to access the Twitter API, following these steps: To start with, we will need to have a Twitter developer account and obtain credentials (i.e. Read the Documentation of twitter API from here Getting Twitter API keys There are twitter API libraries for almost all programming languages.The methods of twitter API accepts various parameters which are used to cusotmize the requests according to needs.The twitter API limits the number of requests that can be sent to the twitter server per access token or twitter account.This is called twitter rate limit.If you encounter twitter rate limit exceeded error it means that Twitter rejected consecutive attempts to access its API under your Twitter account.The rate limit is different for different methods of the API.The twitter API is HTTP-based (over SSL) API meaning we can use get method to retrieve data from twitter,post method to send requests to the twitter server and search method to search the twitter posts.The twitter API uses JSON data format for returning and receiving the data.Not all Tweets will be indexed or made available via the search interface. The Search API is not meant to be an exhaustive source of Tweets. There are various parameters which can be used in a get request to filter out the desied result. It takes parameters in JSON format and returns the response data in JSON format. It searches the desired query in the twitter server and returns the tweet data and its various parameters. Standard search API is a part of Twitter API which is used to send search queries to the twitter server. Reading time: 35 minutes | Coding time: 10 minutes